Saturday, January 01, 2005
Word of The Day #1
- n: one whose knowledge or learning is superficial : a pretender to scholarship
[Merriam Webster's Unabridged Dictionary]
- n: 1615, "smatterer, pretender to knowledge," from L.L. sciolus "one who knows a little," dim. of scius "knowing," from scire "to know" (see science).
[ - online etymological dictionary]
"The passages in that book were enough to humble the presumption of our modern sciolists, if their pride were not as great as their ignorance." --Sir W. Temple.
"While some of the teachers we had in college were sciolists, most were just plain retards."
"If a specialist is one who knows more and more about less and less, is a sciolist one who knows less and less about more and more?"